Update Pick Quantity in the Outbound Delivery
Many already know, the FM to be used for this purpose is WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2. It comes with its own share of mysteries.
First, there is no picking quantity in the LIPS table, so we know picking quantity can not be just directly modified using BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE. Here is a very simple code sample explaining how to use WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2.
ls_header-vbeln_vl = <deliverynumber>. ls_vbpok-vbeln_vl = <deliverynumber>. ls_vbpok-posnr_vl = <deliveryitem>. ls_vbpok-vbeln = <mostlydeliverynumber>. "Can be other reference document as well ls_vbpok-posnn = <relatedlineitem>. "If using delivery number, then use the same delivery item as before ls_vbpok-taqui = abap_true. ls_vbpok-lfimg = <quantity>. "It is good idea to provide the unit as well but not mandatory APPEND ls_vbpok TO lt_vbpok. REFRESH lt_return. CALL FUNCTION 'WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2' EXPORTING vbkok_wa = ls_header synchron = abap_true commit = abap_true delivery = <deliverynumber> update_picking = abap_true if_error_messages_send = '' TABLES vbpok_tab = lt_vbpok prot = lt_return.
Some pointers to note here:
- Picking quantity is not added to the previous picked quantity. So you need to do the calculation in your program logic.
- If you getting the error – “Picking request not yet confirmed” VL618 during PGI, then you may need to check the flag – TAQUI in VBPOK (item data). Please note, you may want to do this only when full picking for that line item is done.
- While using in the program, you may want to set the if_error_messages_send flag as “blank”. Otherwise, the program will stop if some error is encountered by the FM.
- No need of separate commit.
This function module can also be used for picking WM material (picking and packing). More about them later.
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